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GT Software (1983-1984)
Company Overview:
GT Software was founded by Joe Ganem and Butch Thompson based on a screen painter (BMS/GT) Butch wrote.
It was one of the first WYSIWYG screen editors for IBM 3270 terminals.
My Involvement:
I was their first employee (after the owners Joe & Butch) and my mission was to
develop a query sytem based on their screen painter.
I wrote the initial version of what would become ASSIST/GT, which supported both VSAM KSDS files
and IMS/DB databases.
There were many long nights, a lot of code was written, and it was a fun and exciting time.
Unfortunately I was tempted by some friends who offered me a position with Walker Interactive.
I say unfortunately, because my leaving was an act of disloyalty in a very small company.